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Book A CallHow an F45 Owner Went From -$15K/mo to +$600k/yr
JJ Cardosa | F45 Cross Trails | Round Rock, TX
"I come from a biotech industry. I always did fitness on the side. When I decided to leave California, that's when I was pulling the trigger on just wanting to open a gym, have a bigger impact in a local community."
"We had the gym about two to three months prior to joining Gym Launch... It was not working. To put it bluntly, not working at all."
His financial reality:
"I remember there were many days where I thought, three months from now we're done. Two months from now we're done. When savings runs out, we're done. I had a lot of those nights before joining Gym Launch."
"The main struggle was just the big bottlenecks of acquisition. Lead generation, lead nurture, no sales process whatsoever. There was a need to look for a better way."
April 2023: JJ partners with Gym Launch.
"I know the system works. I just need to know how to do it and have the expert guidance and collapse that timeframe."
Industry standard: 2-3 YEARS to profitability
"Going from losing money every month to within six months, being profitable for the first time was a breath of fresh air."
"If I could sum it up, it'd be simplicity. We make it harder than it needs to be. You find out so many things that you're doing that you don't need to do, and it's easier to just do less sometimes."
"The natural human behavior is to think more is better, right? Like more complex must mean better. But what they all talk about is simple scales and fancy fails. Making it simple for members also makes it simple for me and helps scale the business."