L&D Fitness - A Life Transformed

From Delivering Groceries to $600K Revenue: A Life Transformed

L&D Fitness

Meet The Owner

David Gelb | L&D Fitness 

David is one of the most hard working Gym Owners we’ve ever worked with. Before Gym Launch he was working extreme hours yet struggling to keep his gym afloat. Here’s what changed… 

The Problem

  • Extreme overwork: 100 hours per week 
  • Financial struggles: $7,000-$10,000 monthly revenue with no profit
  • Second job necessity: "I'd get off to work at 10, go hop in my truck, go deliver groceries until one o'clock in the morning."
  • Mental health impact: "Life was miserable. I felt lost, troubled, broke, and honestly I felt like a failure."

The Turning Point

"I emptied out our business account which had like $1,000 in there and maxed out a credit card just so I could join Gym Launch. I was like it's the last Hail Mary."

The Results

Financial Transformation

  • First month with Gym Launch: $50,000 (5x increase)
  • Monthly revenue: $7k → Now $40,000-$60,000
  • Annual revenue: Less than $150,000 → Over $600,000 in gross revenue

Business & Personal Transformation

  • Work hours: 100 hours/week → 30-40 hours/week
  • Family time: "It's given me time back with my family... with my wife, with my kids, with my friends."
  • Stress level: David no longer wonders how he’ll make ends meet. The business is thriving with plenty left over.

"Zero, absolute zero to absolute fricking hero in the community. And it's been awesome. That's all because of Gym Launch."

Final Thoughts

"If there's anything that I could say to anybody, it's even remotely on the fence, like you have nothing to lose. Your life will be completely changed."

Learn More About Gym Launch