How Matt & His Wife Made $21k In Just 3 Hours

Within a few short months they went from $14,000/mo to $33,500/mo in revenue and are able to pay themselves over $5k/mo now. They were able to accomplish this by following our Automated Outbound and Fulfillment Systems and they’re currently on pace to hit over $40k/mo by the end of June.

Where they came from: Matt and his wife Megan came to us in dire straits. Their revenue had dropped to all time lows and their membership base had been decimated by the pandemic and lack of consistent lead gen. They were at a point where they couldn’t even pay themselves.

They took part in one of our 5 Day challenges and immediately knew that this was what they needed to do for their business.

They had three very simple goals:

  1. Make cash immediately - with no reserves and no client acquisition systems this was a must
  2. Build an automated lead generation machine to consistently bring in high quality leads that they could sell into high ticket programs
  3. Increase their monthly revenue to $30k+ so they could pay themselves 

What they accomplished:

Fast forward 3hrs into launching our fast cash play that all our clients start with and they had collected $21,000! Scratch off goal #1.

Moving onto their next goals, they put their head down and went to work. Within a few short months they went from $14,000/mo to $33,500/mo in revenue and are able to pay themselves over $5k/mo now.

They were able to accomplish this by following our Automated Outbound and Fulfillment Systems and they’re currently on pace to hit over $40k/mo by the end of June.

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