Raw Fitness - From Struggling to Six Figures

From Struggling to Six Figures: A Story of Personal and Business Transformation

Raw Fitness

Meet The Owner

Danny Mullen | Raw Fitness | Detroit, Michigan

Danny was a former troubled youth who found purpose through fitness after nearly facing prison time. He transformed his passion into a business but struggled to make it profitable.

The Problem

After more than six years of gym ownership, Danny faced significant challenges:

  • Foundation issues: "I really just struggled with how to really go about building the business with a good foundation."
  • Revenue without profit: "We were able to start creating revenue and things like that, but there was just no profit."
  • Cash flow inconsistency: "I would have ebbs and flows in my revenue all the time."
  • Family strain: "There was no ability to really provide for my family, provide for my team."
  • Resource depletion: "Struggling to just pay for payroll and find different opportunities to just cover the expenses."
  • Constant firefighting: "Trying to play catch up and put out fires all the time."
  • Overwhelm: "I was trying to grow, I was trying to manage this, I was trying to manage that and do the marketing and do the sales and manage a team." Everything was piling up.

Despite his best efforts, Danny's business was built on a "house of cards" that was becoming increasingly unstable.

The Turning Point

In January 2023, Danny made the decision to join Gym Launch:

"It helped me set the right foundation and going through the process, working with my own coach, holding me accountable and just implementing a system that has been proven."

What attracted him was the research backed approach:

"That's my favorite thing about Gym Launch is they test things, they try things and they find what is going to work and then bring it to us."

The Results

Financial Transformation

  • Best month pre-Gym Launch: $68,000
  • First month with Gym Launch: $108,000 (first six-figure month ever)
  • Revenue consistency: "I have a consistent cash flow every month that I can count on"

Business & Personal Transformation

  • Stress reduction: "It's taken a lot of burden off me, it's taken a lot of stress off me."
  • Team development: "We can now spend the time and focus on them and developing them."
  • Client experience: "Now we have all the resources to provide the best possible experience and results for our clients."
  • Personal growth: "I'm just such a better business owner now than I was a year and a half ago."

How He Got There

Danny attributes his success to several key factors:

  1. Mindset shift: "Hands down, the biggest impact from Gym Launch for me has been the mindset shift. Realizing that I'm the biggest bottleneck in the business."
  2. Accountability: Working with a coach who holds him responsible
  3. Proven systems: Implementing tested approaches rather than reinventing the wheel
  4. Focus on fundamentals: "I needed to really take a look in the mirror and say I need to get better and hone in on the foundational things."
  5. Taking massive action: Quickly implementing the recommended strategies

Final Thoughts

"If you're really in it to grow your business, scale your business, have a better quality of life, this process and this system and these people, they're just going to dramatically increase the speed for you to be able to get there."

"If you just take the recommendations and take massive action, it's almost impossible not to succeed."

Learn More About Gym Launch