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Book A CallFrom Corporate Burnout to Thriving Gym Owner: Nick's Path to Freedom
Nick Palladino King | Tribe Fit | San Francisco, CA
Former corporate executive who left the rat race after a near-death experience at age 23– Now runs Tribe Fit with his brother Billy, offering a holistic approach to fitness.
"I had this moment of— either we die or we grow. Let's give it one more shot."
Nick's brother discovered the Gym Launch Secrets book, and they saw immediate results from implementing the strategies. A friend who saw incredible results within Gym Launch sealed the deal: "If you don't double your business in a year with Gym Launch you should shut your business down."
"It's insane, it's wild. Sometimes I have to pinch myself. We've gone from not knowing how to acquire clients, taking home $5k/mo, to averaging $80,000 a month in revenue."
"Find coaches and mentors and people in your life that are going to give you feedback that you can grow and get to the next level. I didn't realize how stuck I was until I got around people who just knew way more."