GYM OWNERS: We’re interrupting your regularly scheduled newsletter to bring you a guide to setting (and crushing) your Q4 goals.

#1: CLARITY– “The average person with clear goals can outperform the most gifted person with no definite chief aim”. 

#2: DIRECTION- “Effort and courage are not enough without purpose and direction”.

#3: UNITY- “Don't set sail until everyone on the crew has the same map in their hands”. Unity increases productivity, encourages collaboration and builds a cohesive team. 

#1: Execution Breakdown- Lack of clarity, lack of commitment to the goal, and lack of accountability lead to shut down and inaction. 

#2: The Whirlwind- Too many options, too many distractions, too many micro tasks. The goal gets lost in the day to day distractions.

#3: YES Man/Woman- “There will always be more good ideas than there is the capacity to execute”. You can't say yes to every good idea if you ever want to accomplish the set goals you have in front of you

RULE #1: No team focuses on more than two goals at a time. The more goals you set, the less likely you are to reach any. Take a look at this example …

RULE #2: Win the battles to win the war. But most importantly choose the battles that win the war. Each major goal should have initiatives that you commit to completing in order to reach your goal. 

RULE #3: Leaders can veto, not dictate. Allow your team to think through ideas. Guide them to the goals, but never dictate.

RULE #4: All goals must have a finish line in the form of from X to Y by when. Timelines keep goals from becoming moving targets.


 Increase Average Monthly Client Value from $150 to $200 by Dec 30th


  1. Increase current member pricing from $29/wk-$49/wk by October 1st. 
  2. Increase front end cost to join $199 to $499 by October 1st.
  3. Launch supplement sales November 1st.

#1 WEEKLY COMPANY MEETING: The entire team should meet once a week for a structured 30 minute meeting. Topics to cover: 

  • Client wins
  • Recap of quarterly goal (remind everyone of this goal EVERY week)
  • Update on team initiatives (recap of work completed the week before and top 1 priority for this week)
  • Review stats (how many sales, how many exits, share visuals)
  • Discuss constraints/bottlenecks that need removing

#2 DAILY HUDDLES: Bigger teams may break out by department, while smaller teams can remain as one. Daily huddles should last no more than 10-15 minutes, at the same time each day. The agenda should include:

  • Review stats related to goal
  • Commitments for the day- what is going to move us forward as a team?
  • Recap each person's objectives.

#3 WEEKLY 1:1’s: This should be between each employee and their supervisor once a week, on the same day each week.

  • This weeks commitments
  • Current constraints/bottlenecks
  • Where they need support.

1. HOW MANY QUARTERLY GOALS SHOULD YOU SET? No team focuses on more than 2 quarterly goals at the same time.

2. SHOULD YOU ALLOW YOUR TEAM TO SET THE QUARTERLY GOALS? No, as a leader it is your job to set the goals for the team. However, your team should collaborate on the initiatives that will get you there. 

3. HOW WILL YOU KNOW YOU REACHED YOUR GOAL? When you get X established outcome  after a predetermined amount of time. 

4. HOW DO YOU MAKE SURE YOU REACH YOUR GOAL? Accountability, following the meeting cadence, and discipline.